Do you read anything other than Fantasy stories?

For years all I read was Sci-Fi, but in recent years I have read a lot of Fantasy. I like the big epic stories that traverse three or more books. I also enjoy Alternative History—for instance I read a series once about what it would be like today if the South had won the Civil War. One of my favorites was an interesting book called The Burning Mountain that told how the war would have gone in the Pacific if the U.S. had not dropped the atomic bomb on Japan. The story follows several fictional characters, both Japanese and American. The authors built the story line from research they had Japan’s actual plans for defending the homeland and the Allies plan for attacking the Japanese mainland. But now adays I generally read other Fantasy authors’ books during lunch, every day. At night I read something in a totally different genre, like I’m halfway through the Midford series by Jan Karon.

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